I'd recommend
great accessory
The Protective Rain Guard by Security Boss is an accessory to the popular
MaxSeal Pet Door and Security Boss Standard Pet Doors. These Rain Guards feature a 2.5" overhang when installed along the top frame of your MaxSeal door. This helps reflect any vertical rain as well as run-off from above the pet door. The Rain Guard diverts water from running directly over the surface of the exterior flaps.
The Protective Rain Guard itself is comprised of two components; the metal reinforced - vinyl coated channel that mounts directly to your Security Boss pet door frame and the overhang portion that is a soft pliable rubber polymer that maintains it's shape and should provide many years of use. The Protective Rain Guards are only available in a dark brown color, this helps minimize any dirt or water markings to keep your pet door looking it's best.
The reason we offer a soft, pliable Rain Guard is purely a matter of safety. This becomes very important in door installations. If you were to open your door that you have installed a rigid or metal rain protector, there is a possibility that you could walk close enough to the door to gash or cut your leg. Smaller children playing around the pet door may cut or hurt themselves with a metal or rigid overhang. The Rain Guard by Security Boss is completely safe for you or your children who may be playing near the pet door, the soft pliable overhang cannot cause any injury or harm
Note: When installing a pet door you will always want to try choose an area that is protected from direct weather as much as possible. The Protective Rain Guard is an accessory that helps aids the overall function of the MaxSeal Pet door.
Security Boss Manufacturing LLC is dedicated to providing products that operate beyond expectations and provide the customer with long years of satisfaction. The MaxSeal Pet Door lines are designed so that you can maintain your pet door indefinitely.
Protective Rain Guard Install
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No pet door is rain proof. Please consider the location where you plan to install your pet door and the severity of the weather the pet door would be exposed to.
Posted by Jamie L on May 6th 2019
great accessory
Posted by Willy B on Feb 27th 2016
works perfectly
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