Magnus Cat Tree
Description 1 Standard Baseplate 19″ x 19″ x 2″1 Hammock 19″ x 19″ x 1″2 Sleepers 16″ x 16″ x 1″1 Round Playbox 17″ (diam) x 11″1 Sisal Column 12″3 Sisal Columns 20″1 Sisal Column 26″1 Ball play Toy6.…
1 Standard Baseplate 19″ x 19″ x 2″
1 Playbox Flat 19″ x 19″ x 4″
1 Tunnel with Hardware
1 Playbox Round 17 (diam) x 11″
1 Sleeper 16″ x 16″ x 1″
1 Sisal Column 12″
1 Sisal Column 20″
1 Sisal Column 26″
2 Sisal Column 31″
1 Play Toy
4 Allenhead Screws
2 Endless Screws
Overall Dimensions: 61″ x 42″ x 24″
Shipping Weight: 81 lbs.
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Description 1 Standard Baseplate 19″ x 19″ x 2″1 Hammock 19″ x 19″ x 1″2 Sleepers 16″ x 16″ x 1″1 Round Playbox 17″ (diam) x 11″1 Sisal Column 12″3 Sisal Columns 20″1 Sisal Column 26″1 Ball play Toy6.…
1 Standard Baseplate 19″ x 19″ x 2″1 Flat Playbox 19″ x 19″ x 4″1 Square Playbox 19″ x 19″ x 12″2 Sleepers 16′ x 16″ x 1″2 Sisal Column 12″2 Sisal Columns 20″1 Sisal Column 26″
1 Standard Baseplate 19″ x 19″ x 2″1 Sleeper 16″ x 16″ x 1″1 Square playbox 19″ x 19″ x 4″1 Tunnel with Hardware2 Sisal Column 20″1 Sisal Column 31″1 Ball play Toy6 Allenhead Screws
Consists of:1 Standard Baseplate 19″ x 1″ x 2″1 Standard Board 19″ x 12″ x 1″1 Sleeper 16″ x 16″ x 1″
1 Standard Baseplate 19″ x 19″ x 2″3 Standard Boards 19″ x 12″ x 1″2 Sleepers 16″ x 16″ x 1″1 Hammock 19″ x 19″ x 1″3 Sisal Columns 12″2 Sisal Columns 20″2 Sisal Columns 26″<