Tri-Tronics Frequently asked Questions

Tri-Tronics Products (FAQs)
Are Tri-Tronics Products Safe?
Clinical studies have been designed and conducted for Tri-Tronics by veterinarians and physiologists at a major university. The scientific studies tested for possible cardiopulmonary and epidermal effects of Tri-Tronics electrical stimulation applied to the ventral surface of the neck of healthy dogs.
These studies showed that there are no clinically significant changes in electrocardiograms, blood pressures or properties of the skin underlying the contact points. The clinical investigations involved parameters of electrical stimulation (e.g. maximum output voltage, output impedance, current density, and repetition rate) that are basically the same for all our models.
The safety of these units is supported by strong scientific clinical data. Both the collar and the transmitter have redundant safety cutoff features which shut down the unit and prevent excessive stimulation. These safety features receive special attention in Tri-Tronics environmental reliability and quality analysis.
Can I Use A Remote Trainer If My Dog Is Aggressive?
Aggression in dogs has many causes. Social dominance, fearfulness, learned behavior, and physical problems, as well as other factors can all be involved. In some cases aggression can be successfully treated with a Remote Trainer, following the proper procedure. In other cases, however, correcting the aggressive dog with a Remote Trainer is not appropriate and will not be successful. Because the causes of aggression can be so varied and situations so unique, Tri-Tronics recommends that you consult a knowledgeable professional dog trainer or animal behaviorist who has experience with aggressive dogs. We do not recommend that you use the Remote Trainer to treat your dog's aggression without first getting professional training help.
Can I Use My Remote Trainer In The Water?
Tri-Tronics® Field, Pro, and Sport Series receivers (collar units) are designed to be waterproof. In addition our patented contact points are made from surgical stainless steel and are insulated to provide consistent and reliable performance in the water.
How Can I 'Condition' the Batteries in My Remote Trainer?
Our system is designed to be charged on a regular basis (please see your Owner's Manual for charging requirements) and may experience diminished capacity when stored or not charged on a regular basis. With a fully functional battery reduced capacity may be restored by conditioning the battery. Note that NiMH batteries typically last for 3-5 years depending on use and care. To recondition your batteries you should charge the system completely as stated in your Owner's Manual (typically 14 continuous hours for non-G2 systems, 2 hours for G2 systems), discharge or use the unit until the low battery indicator comes on, and repeat the cycle at least 3 times. This may restore your battery pack to its maximum operating capacity.
How Can I Tell If My Remote Training Unit is Delivering Stimulation?
The LED will light during the period of stimulation; for momentary stimulation this may not be noticeable, therefore it's best if you test your unit using a continuous setting if available.
How do I charge my unit? (non-G2/G3
If your model has changeable intensity from the transmitter and is a Sport Series, Sport S Series, Field 70, Field 90, Classic 70, Upland Special, Flyway Special, Beagler, Pro 100, Pro 200, Pro 500, or 1000, a Trashbreaker Ultra II, or an XL or XLS version of any of those units listed, please use the following guidelines:
- Charge the transmitter (except Sport Series) and receiver (collar unit) for 14-20 hours before using it the first time and for each subsequent charge.
- When the low battery indicator comes on, charge the unit for 14-20 hours as soon as practical.
- When charging the unit the LED will glow solid red to indicate that the chargers are working. On some older units the the LED will begin blinking after 14 hours on the charger. Refer to your Owner's Guide for the correct indications for your unit if you're unsure of what they should be.
- For units other than the XLS, Classic 70 S, Field 90, and Sport S Series units the maximum recommended charging time is 20 hours as the product is not intended to be left on the charger indefinitely. For XLS, Classic 70 S, Field 90 and Sport S series units your unit may remain on the charger longer and it will automatically switch to trickle charge.
How Tight Should the Remote Training Collar Be Around My Dog's Neck?
All remote trainers are designed to be worn snug on the dog's neck or the stimulation will not be consistent. If it seems that your dog isn't feeling the stimulation, try tightening the collar strap a notch and wiggle the contact points firmly against his neck to ensure that they've reached through his undercoat. Also, if your dog has a dense undercoat, the long contact points will make better contact than the short ones. If your dog's breathing sounds hoarse, loosen the strap.
I Can't Hear the Tone On My Dog's Collar, Is It Working Properly?
Generally you should be able to hear the tone if you hold the receiver (collar unit) near your ear, however for some people they cannot hear the tone. Even if you cannot hear the tone, dogs can hear it because of their range of hearing. When testing the tone be sure the intensity dial is set on a number other than zero. The tone will not work when the transmitter is set to zero.
I Just Received My Remote Trainer from Repair and the LED Stays Solid Red If your system is an XLS, XL or earlier system it is normal for the LED on the transmitter and collar to stay solid red when plugged into the charger if the system is new or has been repaired. When the system was repaired the receiver LED was upgraded to the XL configuration. The LED for the XL series is only red; it is no longer red and green. In addition the indications for on/off, etc., are slightly different.
- Double Blink Red = Collar is turned on
- Glows Red Steadily = Collar is receiving signal from transmitter
- Single Long Red Flash = Collar has been turned off
- Rapid Red Blink = Low batteries, recharge the collar soon. This may occur more quickly in the temperatures near or below freezing.
- Glows Red Steadily While On Charger = Indicates collar is charging. The light will not flash when the charging cycle is complete. The collar should always be charged for 14 - 20 hours.
Is It Okay to Cut the Collar Strap?
If after finding the appropriate length of collar for your dog you have an excess of collar strap it is okay to trim off the left-over part with a pair of scissors. Be sure to leave extra length, if necessary, to accommodate the future growth of the dog.
If you have a Bark Limiter it's important to be careful that you do not damage the portion of the collar with the sensor and small wires. Not required for Bark Limiter XS
Is It Safe To Use A Remote Trainer With A Pacemaker?
If you have a pacemaker, Tri-Tronics recommends that you consult your cardiologist or physician before using a remote training device or testing the output of a remote training receiver. For comparison purposes the output of a Remote Trainer is like using a CB radio or similar product at 27 MHz and with a power output of 5 watts.
My Collar LED Doesn't Come On When I Plug in the Charger, What Do I Do?
The following does not apply to the G2 or G3 systems. Debris may have accumulated in the charging jack. You can clean the charging jack using clean tap water and a toothpick or pin to loosen the debris. Be careful not to bend the contacts inside the jack. Important: Be sure to allow the jack to dry thoroughly after washing it before you connect a charger or proper charging may not occur. Also note that if your batteries are deeply discharged, it can take up to a minute for the red light to come on after the charger is connected.
My Receiver Has No Stimulation or Tone
If you have an XLS, Classic, or Sport Series unit and the receiver (collar unit) does not respond when you try to use the stimulation or tone, please check to see if the receiver (collar unit) is receiving a signal. To do this select a stimulation level number 1-6 and press the continuous button or tone button and hold for a few seconds.
- If the receiver LED continues to flash twice approximately every five seconds, however it did not light steady while a button was pressed, please contact Customer Service for assistance.
- If the receiver LED lights and stays on steady while a button is being pressed please ensure that the transmitter and receiver are fully charged. Please ensure that the transmitter light did not flash rapidly while holding the button. If it did the transmitter battery requires charging or replacement. If your receiver still does not appear to respond to the transmitter please contact Customer Service for assistance.
- If the receiver light was not flashing before or after you pressed the transmitter button your receiver is not on. If you have not done so already, please press the on/off button. You should hear a beep and the receiver light should flash twice approximately every five seconds. If you have done so and your unit has not been fully charged (see manual) please fully charge your receiver and try this procedure again. If you have done so and the receiver is fully charged, please contact Customer Service for assistance.
My Remote Trainer Is Supposed To Have Tone, However I Cannot Find A Tone Button
If you have a Sport 80C, Sport 80M, Multi-Sport 2 , Multi-Sport 3 , or the G2 version of the models listed you have a T on the transmitter dial that is used to select the tone function- For the Sport 80 / Sport 80 G2 models it works by selecting T on the intensity selection dial and pressing any stimulation button. For the Multi-Sport / Multi Sport G2 models it works by selecting T on the intensity selection dial and pressing the appropriately colored button for the receiver on which you wish to activate the tone.
If you have a multi-dog Classic 70 XLS, Trashbreaker Ultra XLS, or the G2 version of either model you select the tone feature by selecting T on the intensity selection knob and pressing the appropriately colored button for the receiver on which you wish to activate the tone. For a 4, 5 or 6-dog system the toggle switch must be in the correct position for the receiver as well.
You cannot select T (tone) and a stimulation level at the same time. The T also acts as a safety no-stimulation setting.My Remote Trainer Will Not Turn On, What Should I Do?
These instructions apply to all of our new models with stimulation dials or knobs on the transmitter except Sport, XLS, G2 and G3:- Ensure the remote trainer (both transmitter and receiver) is properly charged for 14-20 hours (see your Owner's Manual).
- Make sure the stimulation setting is set to zero. The transmitter can only turn on and off when it is set to zero.
- Ensure the antenna is on the transmitter, and that the transmitter and receiver (collar) are a few feet apart.
- Press and hold any stimulation button on the transmitter until the light on the receiver (collar) begins flashing.
These instructions apply to all Sport, XLS, G2 and G3 systems:
- Ensure the remote trainer (both transmitter and receiver is properly charged (see your Owner's Manual).
- Press and hold the button on the receiver until the LED begins to flash. Pressing the button again will turn the receiver off.
My Transmitter Has Red and Black Buttons, How Do They Work?
The red button is for continuous stimulation. If the remote trainer has two red buttons, they deliver continuous stimulation at different levels, with the bottom being the lowest, the upper the next level (medium), and both buttons together the third level (high). All continuous settings have a safety timeout feature, the length of which varies by model.The black button delivers momentary stimulation. If the remote trainer has one red button and two black buttons, then the two black buttons deliver momentary stimulation at different levels, with the bottom being the lowest, the upper the next level (medium), and both buttons together the third level (high).
Should I Charge My Remote Training Unit After Every Use?
No, you should charge your unit as recommended by your user manual. This will normally be when the LED indicates a Low Battery condition, during extended storage periods, or when you have used the unit regularly over a period of approximately 40 hours and know that you will be needing the unit to be available for an extended period. During cold weather your unit may need more frequent charging.What Age Should My Dog Be Before I Can Begin Using an e-collar On Him?
We normally suggest that a dog be at least 4 to 6 months old before using the collar for two reasons. First, your dog needs to have a basic understanding of what is expected of him, as well as know the meaning of basic commands. Secondly, by this age most breeds have reached the minimum weight required to comfortably support the weight of the collar.What are the Intensity Levels for the Colored Contact Points
- 1/2 Blue
- 1 Brown
- 2 Red
- 3 Orange
- 4 Yellow
- 5 Green
What If I Need My Remote Trainer to Work With An Additional Dog?
Tri-Tronics currently manufactures the Pro and Field Series G2 EXP systems, as well as the Sport G3 systems, both of which provide the opportunity to expand your system from one to two or even three dogs (up to six for the Classic 70 G2 EXP and Trashbreaker G2 EXP systems).What Is the Average Time Needed to Train a Dog Using the e-collar?
The training time varies from dog to dog and trainer to trainer. It also depends on what you are trying to train him/her to do, the trainer's skill and experience, and the type of dog being trained.What is the Difference Between Continuous and Momentary Stimulation?
Continuous stimulation is a constant period of stimulation received by the dog for a maximum of approximately nine seconds (safety time-out varies by remote trainer model) or until the user releases the transmitter button, whichever comes first. Momentary stimulation is a quick "attention getter" that lasts only for a fraction of a second, regardless of how long the button is pressed.What Launchers are Compatible with Pro Control RL and 150 Remote Release?
The following bird launchers and remote release accessories are compatible with the Pro Control RL and the older 150 Remote Release System:- Dobbs Pro Throw
- Etch-Marc, Inc.
- Gunners Up
- Lucyana Strong Arm
- Gunners Up
- Train-Rite
- Zinger Winger
What Should I Do Before I Put My Product In Storage?
Prior to putting a Tri-Tronics Field, Pro, or Sport Series product in storage for an extended period it is important to fully charge the unit for 14-20 hours. After that you should charge the unit every two months for 14 hours and again prior to using it. If your remote trainer is a Sport Series or Sport S Series (50, 60, 65 BPR, 80C, 80M, Multi-Sport 2, or Multi-Sport 3) unit and you're planning to store it for more than 6 months you should remove the 9v battery from the transmitter. If your unit has a beeper and you're planning to store it for more than 6 months you should also remove the 9v battery from the beeper.What Stimulation Level Should I Use to Begin Training My Dog?
The size and age of the dog does not play a part in determining the starting stimulation level. The breed of dog plays only a small part, because dog's sensitivity thresholds vary more by the individual dog than they do by breed. Tri-Tronics recommends that you always start with the lowest intensity level and work your way up as needed. Remember that as distractions around the dog change, you may need to adjust the intensity level used.Why Should I Use a Bark Limiter Collar Instead of a Remote Trainer for Barking
The all new Bark Limiter XS comes with a sensor that automatically provides the stimulation for you. With a barking problem, consistency is the key. If you wanted to do it manually you would need to be there every time the dog barks to provide the stimulation. With the Bark Limiter XS this process is automatic. With the Bark Limiter XSyou will experience more effective and more consistent training for a barking problem.Will My Transmitter or Collar Interfere with Other Communications Devices?
As a general rule, no. Modern microprocessor technology, as used in our current remote training products, ensures that many thousands of unique codes are available for use by these type of devices.Will the Charger from my Older Remote Trainer Work with a New Remote Trainer?
It is important to ensure you are using the right charger with your equipment to prevent any damage and to charge it properly. Always use the appropriate Tri-Tronics charger for your unit. For the Sport S/Classic S/XLS Series units the charger is a dual-lead 9v charger. This charger has round plugs that will fit into many older transmitters, however the charge will not be adequate for the unit to work properly. For the transmitters of remote trainers with a round charging jack that were manufactured prior to the Classic S/XLS units the correct charger will have a plug with a right angle bend in it. Some older receiver chargers used a round plug similar to that used today, and although the plug will fit, this type of charger will not adequately charge the transmitter for use.Will The Cold Weather Affect The Performance of My Remote Trainer?
All batteries experience a normal drop in voltage during cold weather. As a battery powered device, your remote trainer or remote launcher can be affected by normal voltage drops during winter months and experience such things as:- Batteries can run down more rapidly
- Unit can stop functioning properly before expected based on when it was last charged
- Stimulation may not be as strong
- Unit can turn itself off (evidence of extremely low batteries)
- Keep the unit at room temperature when it is not being used. Do not store the unit overnight or for extended periods in areas such as vehicles, sheds, or garages. When traveling, transport your remote trainer in a heated area such as the cab of a truck.
- Charge the unit at room temperature and dry. If the unit is cold, give it at least two hours to reach room temperature before charging. Ensure the charging jack is free of moisture.
- Charge more frequently and allow a full charge (see your owner's manual) whenever possible. Note that the newer XLS, Sport S, G2 and Sport G3 remote trainers may be left on the charger or cradle when not in use ("trickle charge"). For other units please consult your owners' manual.
- Check your unit more frequently for the low battery indicator, and always check just prior to use.